
Electronic abstracts (in pdf format) will be available to the participants prior to the symposium. A short program with agenda will be printed and distributed to the participants in order to save on expenses and protect the environment.  

All TeraTech 2023 participants are invited to submit extended versions of their abstracts for publication in a Special Issue 

"Advances in Terahertz Physics and Technology: 

Proceedings of the 10the International Symposium on Terahertz-related Devices and Technologies 2023 (TeraTech 2023)"

of the International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems (IJHSES), edited by Guest Editors: Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku University, Japan), Wojciech Knap (Institute of High Pressure Physics, Poland), Maxim Ryzhii (University of Aizu, Japan), and Michael Shur (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA).

The submission deadline is January 31, 2024 (extended).

    Please refer to IJHSES templates (MSWord and Latex) and author guidelines for Special Issue templates. 

    The details of the Special Issue article submission are as follows: